Friday, July 13, 2007

the one with kindergarten betrayal.

i have a very hard time being rejected.

i can remember the very first time i was rejected, or at least the first time i can remember.

i attended a private school from kindergarten through the third grade. there were maybe 20 kids in our class total.

one week i hung out almost exclusively with this girl named hillary. i thought she was awesome, i thought we would be best friends forever! she was fun to be with, i even asked her to help me deliver cupcakes to teachers once. (it was a big deal ok... and i was told i could pick someone to go with me, everyone wanted to do it!) that entire week i would walk into class and would immediately find hillary and start talking to her, abut who knows what... the next week when i walked into class and went up to her, she announced in a super snotty voice,'I AM NOT PLAYING WITH YOU TODAY!'

instead of crying, which i totally felt like doing, and which i would probably to today, if that were to happen again... i replied in an equally snooty voice,'I KNOW!'

that was that, until hillary decided that she would only hang out with another friend of mine, megan. i tried to warn megan, that hillary was no good, that she would drop her like she dropped me.. i really did, and i find that ridiculous... i mean, a five year old talking about betrayal?

of course megan didn't listen to me. i spent that week playing with whoever would allow me into their group. the week after that, guess what happened... thats right, hillary dropped megan like a headless barbie. i didn't feel bad though, i warned her!

hillary left the school after kindergarten and i have no idea what happened to her. she probably just went to another school and suckered other girls into being her bffaw. (best friend for a week)

later on in life i helped found a gang. i guess its because i never wanted to be without a friend again. (we will talk about that more later.)

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